Prasenjit Kumar Nag a.k.a Joy

A Developers Adventure in Coding

A Bite of Functional Programming

I love programming languages and trying a new one is always fun. A year or so ago I first heard the name of functional paradigm of programming. I have came across blog posts, saw people talking about functional programming in programming communities over the last year. I have seen countless veteran programmers referring SICP as a must read for anyone who wants to be really good in programming. When I went over to search for SICP found the videos of original lecture of Hal Abelson and I heard the name of LISP from him while checking the first lecture.

From then on I have been cherishing a desire to learn a functional language and went ahead to try learning some like Haskell, Clojure and Scala though couldn’t get too far with anyone of them. But after every few months something inside me pushes me to get back to learning a functional language well and I spend several days reading blogs, trying out simple things.

Enrolled in Functional Programming in Scala Course in CourseEra two times but couldn’t or didn’t finish in either of those enrolments. But while doing the exercise of first/second chapter of the scala course I did some trivial things like finding factorial of a number and a parantheses matching program which got me more interested into it.

Though I am a know-nothing in functional programming, I decided I will be good enough in one of the functional languages someday. But I have a habit of digressing from the main target sometimes specially while learning something and over this very short period of time I have checked blogs/videos on many things related to functional paradigm like monads, monoids, STM(Software Transactional Memory, Programming without side effects, Code as data, Higher Order functions and many more. Though most of the things went over my head, I understood they are much profound ideas or concepts and understanding those properly will definitely make me a better programming.

Enough talking, lets do some trivial functional programming together maybe finding the factorial of a number . Lets do it in scala first.

def factorial(n:Int):Int =
    if (n==0)
        n * factorial(n-1)

This program is fairly straight forward for anyone with basic programming background. The syntax can seem alien to anyone like me who doesn’t know Scala but the functional body is pretty simple for anyone who knows recursion . We know factorial of a number is defined as factorial(n) = n*(n-1)*....*1 . So in terms of recursion from Imperative Paradigm we see the base case is when value of n reaches zero we return one otherwise we call the same function recursively.

so the call stack for a call of factorial(5) would look like


We see with each call we get more and more *'s and all steps stacks up in the call stack in memory which definitely have a limited amount of space. So if the number we want to calculate the factorial for is big enough we can get good old Stack Overflow Error. So whats the solution to this. Most good languages has a features called Tail Recursion Optimization which is, if the recursive call is of the same form as the main function call then the compiler/interpreter will resuse the same call stack instead of creating a new one each time.

But we cant just make the last call factorial(n-1) in that case we will lose the number n. So to make it tail recursive we can redefine the function like

def factorial(n:Int, accumulator: Int): Int =
    if ( n==0 )
        factorial((n-1), n*accumulator)

Now the last recursive call is of the same function signature and scala interpreter is design to optimize it with the feature called Tail Recursion Optimization . But this one also has one limitation, it requires the user of the function to pass 1 as the value of the accumulator which is a burden for the user and it wont return correct result if the user doesn’t provide 1 as the value of the accumulator . To avoid this and provide user the same function signature like factorial(number) we can use a local function inside the main function. Such a function definition will look like

def factorial(number: Int) : Int = {
    def factorialWithAccumulator( number: Int, accumulator: Int) : Int = {
        if (number == 1)
            return accumulator
            factorialWithAccumulator( number - 1, accumulator * number)
    factorialWithAccumulator(number, 1)

Now this function can be called like factorial(5) and we can use it to calculate factorial of much bigger number as it’s optimized we wont get Stack Overflow error. Another thing we can do is to use the @tailrec annotation before any function you expect the compiler to optimize and in that case the compiler will warn you if it cant optimize that recursive function.

That’s all for today. I will be writing more about functional programming as I learn more about it.
