How to Highlight the Search Term in Results in an Android App
Few months ago I created an Android app Al-Quran Bangla Mormobani in several days with a quick deadline, so couldn’t add much features to it. One such feature was the search terms were not highlighted in the results view so users couldn’t use it effectively for reference. I got several requests from the users asking for this features. Few days ago I had couple of hours free to look into it and after searching for a while found a solution.
The data was coming from an Sqlite database and I am using a listview to present the results. As the adapter of the ListView I am using a SimpleCursorAdapter . Now to decorate specific terms in the ListViewItems I am using a viewBinder . The code is as follows,
adapter.setViewBinder(newSimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder(){publicbooleansetViewValue(Viewview,Cursorcursor,intcolumnIndex){if(view.getId(){Stringdescription=cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("bangla_description"));intstartPos=description.indexOf(query);intendPos=description.indexOf(" ",startPos);if(startPos!=-1)// This should always be true, just a sanity check{Spannablespannable=newSpannableString(description);ColorStateListblueColor=newColorStateList(newint[][]{newint[]{}},newint[]{Color.BLUE});TextAppearanceSpanhighlightSpan=newTextAppearanceSpan(null,Typeface.BOLD,-1,blueColor,null);spannable.setSpan(highlightSpan,startPos,endPos,Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);((TextView)view).setText(spannable);}else((TextView)view).setText(description);returntrue;}returnfalse;}});
I am not in a mood to explain the nitty gritty of the whole code above in this post, but the main part which is doing the highlighting is the use of Spannable String. Or more precisely the following code,
It’s creating a highlight span, setting its color as blue and then setting that as a span of the original Spannable String using the start and end pos of the query string’s occurence in the original string. And the result is a very good highlighted word.